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Web Design
Responsive Web Design

It all started with Responsive Web Design, an article by Ethan Marcotte on A List Apart. Essentially, the article proposed addressing the ever-changing landscape of devices, browsers, screen sizes and orientations by creating flexible, fluid and adaptive Web sites. Instead of responding to today’s needs for a desktop Web version adapted to the most common screen resolution, along with a particular mobile version (often specific to a single mobile device), the idea is to approach the issue the other way around: use flexible and fluid layouts that adapt to almost any screen.

Core Concepts
Three key technical features are the heart of responsive Web design:

Media queries and media query listeners
A flexible grid-based layout that uses relative sizing
Flexible images and media, through dynamic resizing or CSS
Truly responsive Web design requires all three features to be implemented.

The key point is adapting to the user’s needs and device capabilities. Suppose a mobile user will be viewing your site on a small screen. Taking the user’s needs into account doesn’t just mean adapting your content to the screen size. It also means thinking about what that mobile user will require first when visiting your site and then laying out the content accordingly. Maybe you’ll present the information in a different order. Don’t assume the user won’t need access to all the site information because she’s on a mobile device. You might need to change the fonts or interaction areas to respond better to a touch environment. All these factors influence responsive Web design.

While mobile devices are changing the display landscape, with the appearance of more and more small screens, don’t forget what’s happening at the other end of the spectrum. Displays are also getting larger and larger. Having to serve both segments shouldn’t stop designers from being innovative on either.

Media Queries Starting with CSS 2.1, media types were used to apply CSS for both screen and print. You might remember these media types: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="printfriendly.css" media="print" /> That was it! Luckily, the W3C improved media queries in CSS3, moving them a big step forward. Today, you can use media queries to scope styles to specific capabilities, applying different styles based on the capabilities that match your query. You can even combine queries that test for several features by using semantic operators such as AND and NOT). Features include width, height, max-width, max-height, device-height, orientation, aspect-ratio, resolution and more. There are three ways to implement media queries: Use the @import rule to import style rules from other style sheets:
@import url(style600min.css) screen and (min-width: 600px);
Put media queries directly in the style sheet, as shown in Figure 1. This is the most common approach.
Figure 1 Implementing Media Queries Directly in a Style Sheet


Media Query Listeners

Taking media queries a step further, the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) working group at the W3C also created media query listeners, which provide an API for responding to media query changes. Instead of having to poll for changes or load several versions of a resource, you can use the API, for example, to download images only of a particular size when a media query match is triggered.

A Word about the Viewport

When testing media queries on mobile browsers, you might notice that the correct media queries are not actually being applied. When this happens, the mobile browser is doing some work on your behalf to render the page optimally on the smaller screen.

So do you think there isn’t a way of getting the real resolution? Actually there is, in the viewport meta tag. The viewport meta tag controls the logical dimensions and scaling of the mobile browser’s (chrome-less) window. Setting the width equal to the device-width works around the problem:

Other viewport settings include maximum-zoom and initial-scale.

Flexible Grids

-based layout is one of the cornerstones of responsive design. The term “grid” is used rather freely and doesn’t imply a requirement to implement any of the available grid frameworks. What it means here is using CSS for positioning and for laying out margins and spacing, and for implementing various web layout types in a new way. Layouts and text sizes are typically expressed in pixels. Designers love pixels. Photoshop loves pixels. But a pixel can be one dot on one device and eight dots on another. So how do you approach responsive Web design if everything is pixel-based? You might not like the answer: You stop using pixel-based layouts and start using percentages or the em for sizing.

By basing text sizes, widths and margins on percentages or on the em, a unit of measurement based on a font’s point size, you can turn a fixed size into a relative size. This means you’ll need to do a little math to achieve a flexible grid and text size system. But the formula for calculating the em is very simple

CSS3 Grid Layout

The CSS3 Grid Layout (also known as Grid Alignment or, simply, the Grid), brings a typical grid system to CSS, similar to what XAML or Silverlight developers may be familiar with. At the time of this writing, the spec is an “Editor’s Draft.” It allows for defining regions in a layout, with columns and rows, spanning, spacing, padding, grid templates and more, enforcing full separation of concerns between HTML elements and CSS. Unlike HTML tables that are content, the Grid allows for placing HTML primitives into grid regions separate from actual content.

Combining the CSS3 Grid with media queries creates a powerful solution for building fluid, responsive applications.


Responsive Web Designer

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